Every organization will eventually face an emergency situation, but only some of them will be ready to handle it. Successful businesses aren’t the ones that avoid risk or get lucky enough to miss serious disasters, they are simply the ones that take threats...
Choosing a third-party logistics (3PL) provider is one of the most important decisions that a business leader can make. Outsourcing logistical services may be an obvious choice for the well-being of a company, but it also requires a great deal of trust and confidence...
As a manager, you know the importance of defining, implementing and evaluating key performance indicators for your business to understand how well your company is achieving its performance goals. In the oil and gas industry, there are many ways to define KPIs such as...
Every oil and gas drilling company knows the importance of a safe work environment. Implementing safety measures protects employees, equipment, bystanders and the environment. Although federal and state regulations address safety measures for offshore rigs and onshore...
Nodding off over an office desk may not make the boss happy, but rarely creates a life-threatening risk to coworkers. However, in many oil and gas operations, personal exhaustion is a much more serious threat. Fatigued workers suffer mental impairment comparable to...